How to cook corn on the cob in electric roaster?

Are you craving some delicious corn on the cob, but don’t have access to a grill or stovetop? No worries, because I’ve got the perfect solution for you! In this step-by-step guide, I will show you how to cook corn on the cob in an electric roaster. It’s super easy and requires just a few simple ingredients. So get ready to enjoy juicy and tender corn that will leave you asking for seconds. Let’s get started, shall we?

Quick Tips

  • Tip 1: Preheat your electric roaster to 375°F.
    To cook corn on the cob in an electric roaster, start by preheating it to 375°F. This will ensure that your corn cooks evenly and thoroughly.
    Tip 2: Shuck the corn and remove the silk.
    Once your roaster is preheated, shuck the corn by removing the husk and silk. Make sure to peel off all the silk strands to enhance the taste and texture of your corn.
  • how to cook corn on the cob in electric roaster
    Shuck the corn and remove the silk
  • Tip 3: Place the corn in the roaster and season as desired.
    Next, place the shucked corn directly in the electric roaster. You can season it with salt, pepper, or even your favorite spices to add extra flavor to your corn.
  • Tip 4: Cook for 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally.
    Cook the corn for about 15-20 minutes in the roaster, turning it occasionally to ensure even cooking. Once it’s done, remove the corn from the roaster and serve it hot with your favorite toppings or just enjoy it as it is.

Peel off the husks and silk from the corn ears

Peeling off the husks and silk from the corn ears is a simple yet important step in preparing fresh corn for cooking or grilling. To start, hold the corn firmly with one hand and then grab the top of the husk with your other hand. Gently twist and pull down the husk towards the base of the corn. Continue doing this until you have removed all the husks. Next, remove the stubborn silk strands by rubbing the corn with a damp paper towel. This will help remove any remaining silks and ensure that your corn is clean and ready to be cooked.
When peeling the husks and silk from the corn ears, a trick you can use is to peel the husks back slowly and carefully to avoid breaking any of the husk fibers. By doing this, you will have an easier time removing the husks without tearing them into small pieces. Additionally, if you encounter any stubborn silks that are difficult to remove, you can use a small brush or toothbrush to gently scrub the corn under running water. This will help get rid of any stubborn silks that may be stuck to the corn kernels.
After you have peeled off the husks and silks from the corn ears, do not forget to discard them properly. You can add them to your compost pile or dispose of them in an appropriate waste bin. It is important to clean up after yourself and keep your surroundings tidy. Now, you have a clean and ready-to-cook corn that can be boiled, grilled, or used in a variety of delicious recipes. Enjoy your fresh corn as a side dish, in a salad, or even on top of a pizza. The possibilities are endless!

Fill the roaster with enough water to cover the corn

how to cook corn on the cob in electric roaster
To get started on cooking corn in a roaster, you’ll want to fill it with enough water to cover the corn

To get started on cooking corn in a roaster, you’ll want to fill it with enough water to cover the corn. This is an important step as it ensures that the corn will cook evenly and become tender. Take a moment to check the water level and make sure it reaches above the corn. If not, simply add more water until the corn is submerged.
Once the roaster is filled with water, it’s time to place the corn into it. Hold each corn cob by the husk and gently lower it into the water. Make sure the corn is completely immersed. You can fit multiple corn cobs in the roaster, just be sure not to overcrowd it. Taking this step will guarantee that every ear of corn cooks properly and absorbs all the flavors from the water.
After you’ve placed the corn in the roaster and filled it with water, you’re almost ready to start cooking. Keep in mind that once the corn is cooked, you’ll need to carefully remove it from the hot water. Use tongs or a slotted spoon to lift the corn out of the roaster, allowing any excess water to drain off before serving. With these simple steps, you’ll be able to expertly fill the roaster with the right amount of water to ensure delicious and tender corn on the cob.

Add salt and butter to the water for extra flavor

Adding salt and butter to the water when cooking is a simple way to elevate the flavor of your dishes. When preparing pasta, for example, adding salt to the boiling water helps to season the pasta from within. The salt not only enhances the taste of the noodles, but it also helps to bring out their natural flavors. Just a pinch of salt is all you need to make a noticeable difference in the taste.
Butter, on the other hand, adds richness and depth of flavor to the water. When you add a small pat of butter to the boiling water, it melts and coats the pasta, giving it a velvety texture. This extra touch of creaminess can make your pasta dishes taste more decadent and flavorful. Whether you’re making a simple buttered pasta or a creamy Alfredo sauce, adding butter to the water will take your dish to the next level of deliciousness.
So, the next time you’re boiling water for pasta, vegetables, or even rice, don’t forget to add a bit of salt and butter. It’s a small step that can make a big difference in the taste of your final dish. Just remember to be mindful of the amount of salt you use, as adding too much can overpower the flavors. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of butter, such as garlic or herb-infused varieties, to add an extra dimension of flavor. With this simple technique, you can easily elevate the taste of your favorite recipes and impress your family and friends with your culinary prowess.

Place the corn in the roaster and cook for 20-30 minutes

To cook delicious corn in a roaster, begin by preheating the roaster to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the corn directly into the roaster, making sure to leave the corn husks intact as they will help keep the moisture and flavor locked in. Put the lid on the roaster and let it cook for about 20-30 minutes. During this time, your kitchen will start to fill with the mouth-watering aroma of freshly cooked corn.

how to cook corn on the cob in electric roaster
To cook delicious corn in a roaster, begin by preheating the roaster to 350 degrees Fahrenheit

While the corn cooks, you can even prepare other dishes or set the table for your meal. Just remember to check on the corn every now and then to ensure it’s cooking perfectly. After about 20 minutes, take a peek inside the roaster to see if the corn kernels have become tender and bright yellow. You can test this by gently poking a kernel with a fork. If it easily pierces through the flesh, your corn is perfectly cooked and ready to be enjoyed.
Once the corn is done, carefully remove it from the roaster. Be cautious, as it will be piping hot. Use oven mitts or a towel to handle the corn. Allow it to cool for a minute or two, allowing the steam to escape. Then, you can peel back the husks and remove the silks, leaving you with beautifully cooked, flavorful corn on the cob. Serve it up with some melted butter, salt, and pepper, and savor the taste of deliciously roasted corn that you cooked effortlessly in your very own kitchen.


  • 1. What is an electric roaster?
    An electric roaster is a kitchen appliance that resembles a traditional oven or a slow cooker. It functions by heating the food placed inside using an electric heating element, which allows for thorough and even cooking.
  • 2. Can I cook corn on the cob in an electric roaster?
    Absolutely! An electric roaster is a convenient and efficient way to cook corn on the cob. It provides a versatile cooking option, allowing you to easily prepare large quantities of corn for gatherings or simply as a delicious side dish.
  • 3. How do I prepare the corn on the cob before cooking it in an electric roaster?
    Before cooking the corn on the cob, you should first remove the husk and silk from each ear of corn. Rinse the corn under cool water to ensure it is clean, and pat it dry with a paper towel.
  • 4. Should I leave the corn on the cob whole, or can I cut it into smaller pieces?
    The choice is yours! You can leave the corn on the cob whole, which is particularly great for serving individual portions. Alternatively, if you prefer bite-sized pieces, you can cut the corn into smaller sections using a sharp knife.
  • 5. Do I need to preheat the electric roaster before cooking corn on the cob?
    Preheating an electric roaster before cooking corn on the cob is not necessary. The roaster will heat up quickly, and the corn will cook evenly even without preheating.
  • 6. How much water should I add to the electric roaster when cooking corn on the cob?
    It is recommended to add enough water to the electric roaster to cover the bottom, ensuring the corn on the cob is steamed. However, make sure to avoid adding too much water, as it may result in boiling rather than steaming the corn.
  • 7. What temperature should I set the electric roaster to when cooking corn on the cob?
    Setting your electric roaster to a temperature between 375°F (190°C) and 400°F (205°C) is generally ideal for cooking corn on the cob. This temperature range allows for a gentle and even cooking process, ensuring perfectly tender and juicy corn.
  • 8. How long does it take to cook corn on the cob in an electric roaster?
    The cooking time will depend on various factors, such as the quantity of corn, its freshness, and the desired tenderness. However, in general, cooking corn on the cob in an electric roaster takes around 20-30 minutes. You can periodically check the tenderness by inserting a fork into the corn kernels.
how to cook corn on the cob in electric roaster
Cooking corn on the cob in an electric roaster takes around 20-30 minutes
  • 9. Can I season the corn on the cob before cooking it in the electric roaster?
    Absolutely! Seasoning your corn on the cob prior to cooking can enhance its flavor. You can brush the corn with melted butter or olive oil and sprinkle it with salt, pepper, garlic powder, or any other preferred herbs and spices.
  • 10. Can I keep cooked corn on the cob warm in the electric roaster until serving?
    Certainly! One of the benefits of using an electric roaster is that it can also function as a warmer. Once the corn on the cob is cooked to perfection, you can lower the temperature setting to the “keep warm” option to maintain its ideal serving temperature until it is time to enjoy! Just make sure to remove the corn before it becomes overcooked.


With an electric roaster, you can enhance your culinary skills and culinary experiences significantly. The steps described above will help you achieve perfectly cooked corn every time by preheating your roaster, peeling off the husks and silk, and filling it with enough water. This method is not only convenient but also ensures optimal cooking results. Whether you are hosting a summer barbecue, preparing a family meal, or simply craving a delicious side dish, this knowledge will guarantee your corn on the cob is cooked to perfection. So why settle for mediocre corn when you can elevate your cooking game and indulge in the tantalizing flavors provided by this simple yet effective technique? Start incorporating this method into your cooking routine and watch as your tastebuds and those of your loved ones thank you for it.

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